About Ethan

Ethan Williams is an actor and playwright originally from Richmond, Virginia, and currently based out of Boston, Massachusetts. He is in the final stretch of getting his BFA in Acting from Emerson College. Ethan’s experience ranges from working on everything from bombastic classical pieces of theatre by the likes of William Shakespeare to realistic and grounded on-camera work. His stage work includes Romeo and Juliet (Apollinaire Theatre Company), Red (Unified Theatre Company), Corpus Christi and Slipping (Richmond Triangle Players). On camera, he recently appeared in Moving On, a short film in which he starred opposite veteran character actor, Tom Kemp. As a writer, Ethan has been lucky enough to see multiple pieces of his staged at Emerson College, including his plays Miss November and Pity Pity, both of which are available on New Play Exchange (https://newplayexchange.org/users/40369/ethan-williams).